Absolutely! The code can be used multiple times and by any family member whilst the portal is open.
You need to register now! We operate a first come first served system for the fundraising Christmas product delivery dates back into schools, so if you want to secure the best date for your school, don’t delay your registration. Registrations open in January!
Our Fundraising Christmas Products have become a fun and popular method of raising money for schools throughout the UK. If this is the first time you are planning to take part in a Christmas product fundraiser then this page will give you some helpful hints about making it successful for your school.
The fundraiser involves children getting creative and producing their own Christmas product designs which we then turn into professionally printed Christmas Cards, Poster Calendars, Mugs, Tea Towels and Gift Labels for sale to their parents and extended family. The fundraiser is very easy to run, with little work for the PTA or teaching staff. To maximise the returns from the fundraiser, here are a few guidelines for success:
Yes! Give us a call or an email to let us know as soon as you can to arrange new dates.
Traditional glitter can get stuck in our scanning equipment so please only use glitter glue. Any collage items used need to be stuck firmly to avoid them coming off in transit! We will do our best to reattach any loose googly eyes!
The children can use any medium as long as the colours are bright and bold; pale pencil will not print well. Pens and paint always print brighter and more clearly!
Of course, however the completed picture needs to have the child’s name and class on the back before it is attached to the detail form/artwork sheet we send you. Please avoid using staples or paperclips, glue is best!
The class bags help us to keep each child’s drawing with their class so that when the products are sent to school, they will be easier to hand out. There is no need to label each bag as the name of the class will be on the artwork.
Once the child has completed their drawing, please ask both parents to complete a form and then attach the blank one by paperclip to the original artwork sheet. You can use a spare artwork sheet for this. We then scan the artwork twice and generate separate order codes for each parent.
Yes but only when the portal is open. When you receive your organiser login details, please reply to that email with the date you’d like it to close. Your finished items will be delivered to school 10-14 working days after the final closing date.
We offer great quality products at very competitive prices. We also have an exemplary customer service track record and are here to help with the Christmas product fundraiser at every stage along the way! Our system is designed to make the organisation as easy as possible for the school and we are the only fundraising company to give you access to your own unique order tracking portal so you can see what stage your orders are at whenever you choose.
Found some stray artwork? Don’t panic! We can add the artwork in but only when the ordering portal is open and it needs to be scanned over to us (not posted!). The earlier the artwork is added, the better as this gives the parent maximum time to order. We sometimes get late submissions on the day of closing and this can make it difficult for parents to order in time. Adding in artwork can be time consuming so we try to avoid it where possible!
Unfortunately we cannot accept late orders. Once the portal has closed, the final products are sent to print almost immediately.
We do our best to ensure that each name is correctly entered into our system. When parents order online they are prompted to confirm the spelling of their child’s name. They will not be able to process their payment without doing so. We cannot reprint any name errors.
If a parent lets you know that they haven’t had any communication from us to be able to place an order, please advise them to get in touch promptly. If the portal is open, we can get a code to them before ordering closes. If they get in touch after, we cannot accept a late order.
For our project, we ask for both a parents/guardians mobile number and email address to ensure delivery. For example, if the email address is unclear, then the text still gets delivered.
We will send the cheque to school addressed to the organiser in mid-December. It will be sent in a red envelope along with your fundraising certificate and an early registration form for the following year.
If you register with us and receive a customised artwork pack, but subsequently decide not to take part, there will be a £35.00 admin fee to cover the cost of producing and sending out the pack.
Please make sure you can take part before registering to receive an artwork pack.
You can do this by either registering online or calling us on: